Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 7 - Take photos of yourself in your underwear.

The full description of this challenge can be found here:
Day 7
It has been interesting for me to read the different reactions of people to this challenge. I guess I am very fortunate in that I have a positive body image now, but it was not always the case. I am a born naturist. I love clothes, don't get me wrong, but if given the choice, I prefer to be nekkid. And this is why...

This is how I see myself in my mind:

And this is how I really look:

Now those of you who know me well, know that I have been a fervent admirer of Cher since I first saw her on the Sonny and Cher show back in the 60s. To me she epitomises everything I always wanted to be - tall, slim, beautiful and have an amazing singing voice to boot. She has followed the music trends of every genre, and she is still gorgeous today. This photo of her is a screen shot from my favourite video of her singing "Turn back time". If I could have plastic surgery that would make me look like Cher, I'd do it.

Sadly though, I am more the "Dolly Dimple" type.

But... I was very fortunate to have had a husband who adored me and accepted me as I am. Well, I had three husbands actually, but number three was so very good to me (for a few years - until he dumped me). He loved to take photos of me. He was forever taking photos of me. And in the beginning I hated seeing myself on film - and then, in pixels, once we got our first digital camera. I was used to being on the other side of the camera - taking the photos. But because this man genuinely loved me as I was, and he wouldn't stop taking photos, I got used to seeing myself. I also started scrapbooking somewhere around that time, and this was also an exercise in acceptance. When you're making pretty pages of yourself, you have to learn to look at yourself with acceptance not judgement.

I once told someone very dear to me that the best thing you can do for your self esteem is to stand naked in front of a mirror. If you don't like what you see, do something about it. If you don't want to do something about it, than accept it. But learn to love your body one way or another, because you can't love others if you don't love yourself.

I have heeded my own advice over the years, and have learnt to put myself first in my own life. I accept that I will never look like Cher (even though I still see myself like that in my mind!) but I know that I am the best Jane Bowles/MacKenzie/Egan/Elliott that I can ever be. And I know that I will not transform the body I have over night, or even in 30 days, but I can start today by accepting this challenge and making small changes that will impact positively on my lifestyle and my body.

I don't think I can say that I love my body, but I accept it as it is, and look at it as a starting point to better health. And if can be as fit at 68 as Cher is, I'll be happy!

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