Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day 23 - List 3 things you love about yourself

Here is why we have to spend time on introspection today:
Day 23

This is what I posted on the Sleek Geek Challenge group:
I love that I'm tall. I carry myself tall and wear shoes with heels. I enjoy reaching high shelves and looking over people's heads in crowds. 

My sons are also tall - Mike is the tallest, then Duncan, then Richard. They are all taller than me - and taller than average. Of course, all three of them have short girlfriends (or wife in Richard's case). I dated a couple of guys who were shorter than me, and I didn't like it, so it became one of those not-negotiables when meeting a man for the first time. I think being tall is a huge advantage, and have always loved being tall. I can't remember ever wanting to be short. I did want to be like my friend Lucy when I was a little girl though. She was beautiful and dainty, she was tiny - a Tinkerbell to my Wendy. She had this long beautiful hair that she wore in 2 plaits that reached to her bottom. I guess I didn't really want to be like her though because I just couldn't grow my hair long enough without having it chopped off in annoyance in the swimming season. I have had tall thin friends in my life, not many though, but most of my friends have been shorter than me, and that is fine. My sister is also tall (fractionally taller than me - a fact she never ceases to remind me of), but my Mum is a little shorty and always got very annoyed if we called her short. She used to say we were Amazons, Giants, Abnormally Tall and such. Water off a duck's back, I tell you! Unlike many tall people, I carry myself tall and proudly. My daughter is not as tall as the rest of us, but despite what we're always telling her, she's not short. She also carries herself proudly, maximizing her height.

I love that I did a good job raising my four beautiful children. They are all successful and independent adults and not a day goes by when I'm not proud of their achievements. 

                                               Some of my wacky, zany Grade 8 students.

I love that I'm a good teacher able to spot potential in my students and draw them out to be the best they can be.

I love this affirmation from Louise Hay. I have mentioned her before, and I cannot emphasize enough how she can help you with any aspect of your life that is presenting a challenge. I thank Elan and Eric for including this task in the 30 Day Challenge, because we do forget to love ourselves. As I get older and my ageing body is starting to fail me in small and big ways, it is becoming harder to love it.

This new challenge I have with my digestive system is most unlovable. But I am learning to be disciplined about what I eat, which I guess shows that I do love my body because I choose to eat food that nurtures it and heals it.

I had a rough weekend. Sometimes I just don't want anything to do with anyone, and that's how I felt this past weekend. Having suffered from depression I know that I have to allow myself time alone to heal. My self-talk has been harsh lately, and I have had to re-evaluate many aspects of my life to keep it positive.

This is, I think, one of Louise Hay's most well-known affirmations, and it relates to mirror work. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and say this a few times. Look right into your own eyes and say it until you can say it without feeling uncomfortable saying it. Doing this challenge made me realise that I need to do some mirror work - I know that I accept myself, but I'm not so sure that I love myself. And I know that for me to be successful on this journey of discovery that I'm on, I need to love myself. 

But not the way Justin Beiber means...

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