Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 27: Set 3 health goals

View the guidelines here:
Day 27

Ah, goal setting! That ethereal method of getting a headache. For those of us who are OCD, or even just a little anal, goal setting is like opening a can of worms.

Anyone can announce goals like:

I want to lose weight and get fit and get more sleep.


Goal setting requires thought. Planning. And goals have to be SMART. And this where most people fall down. You can fool some people some of the time, but you won't fool yourself if you don't make those goals SMART. And that is part of the challenge for us - because we have to analyse those goals and pick them apart and make sure they are ATTAINABLE as much as anything else. Baby steps, baby.

And so, with no more ado:

My health goals are:
1. To incorporate squats, pushups and fire hydrants into my morning routine at least 3 times a week.

I didn't specify how many squats, pushups and fire hydrants I'm going to do because I exercise for a certain length of time each morning, and the aim is to increase the number of each exercise over time within the time limit. I'm also going to try and plank once a week until I can plank for a minute.

2. To try a new healthy recipe once a week.

This is a very important one for me. I get stuck in a rut with my eating habits way too easily. I find a recipe I like and I eat it to death. Then I get tired of it and can't eat it any more. Not a good idea. If I'm meal prepping regularly I tend to do the same tried and tested stuff every week. BORING! Even with my restricted diet, I have to find variety. and I will.

3.  To make sure I get a good night’s sleep every night.

This is another something I have learnt on this challenge - I feel better when I have slept better. So I have incorporated the sleep mask into my life, and I have been using binaural beats to help too. And making the effort to get to bed at a decent hour so that I can get those 7-8 hours. And I know that the effects will contribute to my overall health. 

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