Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 19 - Create a Positive Mantra

Some ideas on how and why here:
Day 19

This challenge is right up my alley. I discovered Louise Hay and the power of positive thinking about 16 years ago when I read "You Can Heal Your Life" and implemented the suggestions. I have never looked back, and affirmations have helped me in many rough times in my life. Just the action of taking a situation and turning it into a positive changes your mind about it. Louise says "It's only a thought, and a thought can be changed."

However, that said, an affirmation involves work. You have to work with it for a minimum of 28 days for change to occur. That's why it's good to have a tool like prayer beads or a witch's ladder to help you. 28 beads on a witch's ladder helps you to say the affirmation 28 times a day for 28 days. When you're done, bury the witch's ladder to seal the affirmations.

You can find plenty of affirmations on the internet - Louise Hay has a delightful website that will give you many choices to fit your situation, but if you want to write your own, here some tips:
1. Look at what you want to change. For example, if you want a new car, you want to attract this into your life in a positive way - you don't want to have to buy a new car because your old one broke down or was involved in an accident. Think of a way of expressing your desire for a new car in a positive way.
2. Say it as though it has already happened, not some airy fairy "one day" stuff.
3. Keep it short and sweet. The universe loses interest if you go on for too long.

Try something like:
I am ready to accept a new car into my life. 

You can even be a little more specific:
I am ready to accept a new, affordable and economical car into my life.

I am loving and deserve to be loved.

I accept abundance in every area in my life.

Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.

These are all good for changing problem areas in your life.

The best thing you can do for yourself is get your hands on this book:

And discover just how the power of positive thinking can change your life.

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