Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 12 - Block out light at night

Read the full details here:
Day 12

I read Eric's post from top to bottom, and I get it. And I know that I sleep better in the dark. BUT at the moment I have 2 Airbnb guests in my flat, and they are rather inconsiderate when they come home at night, switching on lights and making noise. I have to sleep with my bedroom door open wide enough for the furbabies to enter and exit as they do - especially Solly, who thinks 3 o'clock in the morning is an appropriate time to play with the mouse toy with a BELL ON ITS TAIL...

Also, I am so paranoid about oversleeping that if my room was in total darkness, I'd probably be checking the clock every hour or so, which would be totally counterproductive.

Then - an aha moment! One of the suggestions on the Sleek Geek Facebook page was to wear a sleep mask! I remembered that I nicked a pack from the First Class section of the plane when I was on my way home from Joburg in January, and I have a brand new pretty sleep mask to wear.

So I put it on and wow! It blocked all the light perfectly, and felt comfortable. So I settled down for the night wearing it.

When my guests came in and switched on lights and made noise, I wasn't as badly disturbed because the light was blocked. I went back to sleep easily, and only got up at about 1 for a wee. I slept right through from then until my alarm went off, and felt refreshed. Like I'd had a good night's sleep.

So, I'd like to introduce you to my new best friend:

I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship!

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