Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 28 -30: No snoozing

To understand why click here:
Day 28

Ok I have read the thinking behind this task, but I find this one particularly challenging. I am a snoozer. I sleep well, and since I started this challenge I have been sleeping even better. But, I reiterate, I am a snoozer. I like to postpone getting up until the absolute last minute, although that being said, I don't linger in my bed after the third snooze, and I get up early so that I have plenty of time to get going in the morning.

The usual morning routine goes like this:

5:00 - alarm goes off. Press snooze and doze. Need to wee so going back to sleep is actually not an option.
5:05 - 1st snooze. Radio comes on, Because radio has this annoying setting where it gets louder and louder unless you switch it off, lean over and switch off radio and switch on again. Need to wee becomes pressing as I become more awake.
5:10 - 2nd snooze. By this time kitten is cuddling and trying to get me out of bed. Takes my mind off needing to wee.
5;15 - 3rd snooze. Up and at 'em. By this time I am desperate to wee, and the cats follow me into the bathroom and wait patiently while I do my business. I think they are keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't get distracted and forget to feed them.

I guess if was sharing my bedroom - and bed - with someone, snoozing would be annoying. But I don't, so it's my way of getting a slow and gradual start to the day. I am one of the fortunate ones who is able to go back to sleep, but seldom actually go back to sleep on the snoozes. It has been known to happen though, so I can vouch for the fact that it is possible. I didn't realise how badly that messes you up though. 

For the three days of this task I did not snooze once, and although I don't think 3 days is enough to see any difference, now that I understand more about the mechanics of sleep and our circadian rhythms I will make more of an effort not to snooze, but I am paranoid about oversleeping. Because I live alone, and I do have this ability to go back to sleep, and my natural wakeup time is 7, I am very nervous of falling asleep if I don't get up immediately. So snoozing has been my safety net. 

My strategy will be to switch off my snooze function on my alarm but set a backup alarm in case I doze off again - until I get a new routine going.

Like all the tasks in this challenge, this was a challenge, but I will do my best to incorporate it into my daily life.

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